loop in a script

I want to write a shell script which clones a file, example the name of the file to be cloned is "es" and I want its clone have the name "es1", "es2", "es3", and so on.
Then another program called service needs the former clone as input,
for example service up /home/es1, service up /home/es2 ....

I wrote this script but it doesn't work, I get the error message:
syntax error: Bad for loop variable

the following is the script

#! /bin/sh
clone es es$i
service up /home/domenico/es$i

Try the following:

for ((i=1;i<=4;i++)) {

If this does not work, what shell are you using? bash, pdksh, ksh88, ksh93, etc.

First of all thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately it doesn't work at all, I always get the same error.
My shell is "ash".


for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do
  clone es es$i
  service up /home/domenico/es$i


for i in `seq 4` ; do
  clone es es$i
  service up /home/domenico/es$i


Franklin52, thank you very much indeed !!!!
The first solution works very well !!
Thank you again.
kind regards.