Looking for RH4xx v6 books

Hi folks,

I just passed RH401 exam, and now looking for RH423, RH436, RH442, RHS333 RHEL6 workbooks materials. Does anybody have it ? I am ready to provide compensation for that, please pm if interested.

You do realize you cannot legally redistribute official RH course manuals and materials; let's not even talk about offering compensation for them.

Contact RedHat Academy and they should be willing to assist you.

you don't understand, I already contacted RH training partner, they give RH books only if you attend for the course for $3000. that's not the case actually, I have enough experience in building Rh clusters and tunning, so having just a book for preparation is enough for me. I am looking for guys who already passed that courses and have books on the hands for preparation. I can exchange it with RH401 workbooks that i have, or buy that book alternatively.
I am not talking about any legal redistribution.

verdepollo actually is kind of right. Red Hat doesn't make it "illegal" per se but if they found out you were posting this and tracked it back to an RHCE number, the terms of your agreement allow them to revoke your RHCE. If they found out someone actually did what you're asking, that person would definitely lose their RHCE.

It goes back to why they do a practicum instead of a regular test: they want you to pass the test because the specific questions they thought up didn't matter as long as they were comprehensive and to the point. The study material being freely available to the public creates a situation where people start studying for the test instead of studying to build your skillset to the point where you will pass the test (the latter is Red Hat's goal with the certs).

You're actually technically not supposed to talk about the content of the exam with anyone but the exam proctor and even then only during the exam. I don't see them being that anal about it, though.

Once again guys, I am not talking about exams itself, I dont need exam questions and dont offer questions/tasks to you. I just need materials for preparation to exams, i hope its clear.

all the best
