Looking for optimization advice on a short script

I already have a solution to my problem, but I'm looking to see if it can be made more succinct and faster. The problem: given a list, as shown below, extract the pathname for any file in a directory named '[Ss]ample' and return it's index into the list. The index is also in the data itself. Note that pathnames can contain spaces. I'm also trying to avoid non-POSIX syntax and tools.


list=$(cat <<'_EOF_'
Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV (28 files):
  #  Done Priority Get      Size  Name
  0: 100% Normal   Yes    8.4 MB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/Sample/sample-leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.avi
  1: 100% Normal   Yes    4.6 KB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.nfo
 26: 100% Normal   Yes    9.4 MB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.part25.rar
 27: 100% Normal   Yes    1.8 KB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.sfv

for file in $(
    # The echo emulates the call to the external program.
    echo "$list" | grep '^ *[0-9]\+:' | cut -c 35-
    index=$((1 + $index))
    case "$file" in
            # act upon this file
            echo "do something with $index"

No need for cat:

list='Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV (28 files):
  #  Done Priority Get      Size  Name
  0: 100% Normal   Yes    8.4 MB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/Sample/sample-leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.avi
  1: 100% Normal   Yes    4.6 KB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.nfo
 26: 100% Normal   Yes    9.4 MB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.part25.rar
 27: 100% Normal   Yes    1.8 KB  Leigh.Harts.Mysterious.Planet.S01E06.PDTV.XviD-FiHTV/leigh.harts.mysterious.planet.s01e06.pdtv.xvid-fihtv.sfv'

No need for grep or cut:

while read a b c d e file g
  index=$((1 + $index))
  case $file in
         # act upon this file
         echo "do something with $index"
done <<.