Looking for good book on awk

I am not sure if I am posting to the right forum but I would like to buy a book which goes into Awk in detail and covers the most advanced Awk programming techniques. Would anybody be able to recommend a good book? I see plenty of books available on Amazon but I am not sure how detailed they are. They all seem limited.

To maximize the potential of awk you need to have a good understanding of regular expressions as well. ...my opinion.

This book: sed & awk, 2nd Edition�-�O'Reilly Media (sed & awk) has about 150 pages of reference material, example code with explanations. And a complete list of functions and language constructs.

sed fits in well with awk because it is extremely useful with fast, short code blocks that have powerful editing ability. It uses regular expressions, so if you are not good with regex consider reading the sed section first.

Since I have no idea what your meaning for 'in detail' is that book is my suggestion. I have it as a standard reference on my desk.

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"The Awk Programming Language" (Aho, Kernighan and Weinberger, 1988) is still highly recommended by #awk on freenode IRC.

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