logs to check

Hi all
i want to know what are the logs we need to check when the server is down and how to resolve to make server UP? please help me with this

Well, assuming you get the server back up you can look in


how am i going to troubleshoot ..

Is the server completely down? Does it have power on it? Is there any messages on the monitor? If the server has power are the disk lights green or red? Do you have an emergency restore procedure?

Buy a book and Google if you can't pin things down. You're being way too vague to get help right now.

sorry ...........
the disks lights are green ...
i am new so i have no idea about restore procedure...

You are not telling us what services are down. Honestly and without insult; you don't seem qualified to administer that server. Let your employer know that and reboot the server and pray for good luck.

thanks mikep9
i powerd on server ...set my root password
after init6
loged in
# uptime
took snapsot of it
now we are able to connect to servers.......

sir LittlelLebowski ... if u cannot answer please dont reply but dont not discourage by asking to buy a book and saying not qualified i dint not ask for your reply.. no thanks in future your not suitable person for such forums....

vkav, if you don't know what questions to ask and people are waiting for you to bring the server online, you DO need to learn, and you may not be the right person for the job.

I do note that my advice to reboot did work. I'm sorry that you took what I said the wrong way but it is what it is. I hope that you learn from this experience and provide more information to those attempting to help you for free in the future. I also hope you learn UNIX; it's very rewarding.