Login Screen in Solaris 11

I have a requirement to add a warning banner to the Solaris 11 login screen. Adding the banner was pretty easy in Solaris 10 by changing *Dtlogin. Does anyone know how to make the change in Solaris !!?

maybe it's the same as in linux...

Linux: Display a login banner for Gnome (GDM) Desktop

Duke, that gdmsetup program seems as if it would do the trick but it's not available on my system. I'm my repo and also have done a find on the name but can't seem to find it.

which gdmsetup program? just edirt the conf file:

in my solaris system it's where it should be:

root@solaris:~# uname -a
SunOS solaris 5.11 11.0 i86pc i386 i86pc
root@solaris:~# cd /etc/gdm
root@solaris:/etc/gdm# ls
custom.conf  Init         PostSession  Xsession
gdm.schemas  PostLogin    PreSession
root@solaris:/etc/gdm# cat custom.conf 
# GDM configuration storage






