Login retries and last login

Hi all,

Please could someone advise me on how to retrieve the following info:

  1. Login retries. (how many failed login attempts per user before account is locked.)

  2. Last login. (List of users and date of last login).

Thanks all, much appreciated.

What OS?

1) On a trusted system the easiest method would be to use SAM..., if you are talking of system large value you can always type:

aph:/home/vbe # /usr/lbin/getprdef -r -m umaxlntr

but since Im not sure on what version its available (sure is 10.20 - 11.11)
I would advice you to read the man pages of getprpw (1M)

2) man last...

Further to vbe. On an untrusted system "last" and "lastb" but the date range for these commands depends on how much "wtmp" and "btmp" data you normally keep. There is no lockout on an untrusted system unless you write one yourself.