Login problem


I have a sun system. Currently reinstalled the OS. The TP interface is configured as hme0 by default when the OS got installed.

I can ping locally. But when I try to login it gives me the belwo error message --

unable to login directly on the console. Please do let me know what could be the reason.

The model is SUN E250.


READE your /etc/default/login

By default, you can't use root to telnet except for console login.

I have created a new user on that system. Now when i try to login i get his message -

No directory! Logging in with home=/

although the home directory does exists on the system. Please help me.


How did u create the user account? Please show the comand. I think the permission setting of the user's account of parent directory is wrong

you forgot to create the home directory within the command....

# useradd -d /export/home/user -m user

otherwise you would have to create it, change the permissions and add it to /etc/passwd

g P

Thanks for the help. It worked.