Login issues

I'm having trouble logging into some of my servers. I can log into all my servers if I'm using my ssh agent, but if I use my password, the login fails on some servers. If I become root and then become anther user and then try to su - to anther user using a password it fails.

When something breaks the 1st thing you check is the last change. The last change was this. I moved all the servers from using md5 hashes for shoring our passwords to sha512. I looked in /etc/security/crypt.conf and /etc/security/policy.conf which are the files that where changed. They are the same when compared to each other. So I don't know why some servers are work and others are not.

I did notice that on the servers that where not working had CRYPT_ALGORITHMS_ALLOW=1,2a,md5 instead of CRYPT_ALGORITHMS_ALLOW=1,2a,md5,5,6. I have corrected this and I'm still having issues.

By the way all the servers are Solaris 10

Any ideas. Any help would be great.

Have you been using -v so you have verbose progress information. With a more specific problem, Google will help us more.

You should have ssh in your title. Soilaris and login is still a bit vague.

I did to do a

ssh -v server

This what it said after I did that.

debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,publicey,keyborad-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: keyborad-interactive

Also it is not really a ssh issue. If I become root and then become anther user. And then tried to su - to the user with the sha512 hash I would not be able to become that user.

Run id as you got through each step to see the id and efffective id. Root might be surviving as an effective id.

I think I have the answer. The Solaris 10 servers that are having the issue are older servers. The newer builds are not heaving the issue. It looks like the older servers need a patch. I downloaded the patch 140905-02 and installed it on the older servers. I'm just waiting on permission to restart the server so the patch can take affect.

I have rebooted the server and all is working fine.
Thank you to all of you that looked at this issue.