login in red hat linux

I have got a very simple, but unresolved problem. I am trying to login in Red Hat Linux here. However the login shell is mentioned as csh in /etc/passwd file. I am unable to make out which file is executed on login - .bash_profile ? There is no file like .bash_login or .bash_tshrc.
Actually I need to update some PATH variables and I can not do since I don't know which file is that one.
Can somebody help me ?

Do you have root access to the machine ? Use "env | grep $SHELL" to find out which shell is being assigned for you. Then look at the home folder for the respective .rc files. Also, /etc/profile may hold additional info on shells.

There's a global setting for csh: /etc/csh.login - whatever the admin set in here would be the default.

You can, however, create your own ~/.cshrc file and set whatever you want to set in that file.

I could see that it was /bin/csh and could not find any .cshrc file. I created a .cshrc file and it is working now. Thanks to you all.