Login from putty in wndows7 to connect ubuntu machine


i have ubuntu installed on windows 7.
I am trying to connecting to ubuntu from windows 7 using putty but it is giving network problem.

I am trying to connect with ip address


What network problem is it giving, exactly?

it gives prompt like networking error

Like what it says? We need specifics.

What does it actually say? Try it, and copy the error word for word, letter for letter, keystroke for keystroke. Screencap it if you have to, but we need the actual error, not a half-remembered description of it.

it is not showing any message in the prompt but instead of that only blank window with subject network error. I hope you understand what i mean to say.

What i have done so far is I have installed Ubuntu on windows7 and to access it I have installed putty on my windows machine.
When i tried to login using ip address of machine it is giving the above error.

Did i miss any steps in between..or is there any setting need to be done on ubuntu before login from putty on windows7.

if you want to access the windows 7 files inside the ubuntu, then you need to mount the drives

why do you want to connect it through putty ?

No i have to access ubuntu file from windows 7 thats why i am using putty.

there is a freeware software called "linux reader"

install in your windows 7 and access the linux files.

Access to Ext 2/3/4, HFS and ReiserFS from Windows

You installed ubuntu on windows 7.

What does it means? You are using any virtual application OR you install it by Windows Loader?

can you ping the machine?

ping ip.add.re.ss
tracert ip.add.re.ss

would be a good start, if I understand what you're saying correctly.

If you are running ubuntu and win7, are you running Ubuntu under VirtualPC? if so, can you get out to network resources from Ubuntu? If not, how are you running both? VMWare? HyperV? Xen?