Loghost as DNS alias

We have about 5000 unix servers and currently loghost is listed in the /etc/host on all of the 5000 servers. Since the loghost server is not using SAN storage, the server was never implemented in GeoVLAN either.

We are going to implement DR instance for loghost with local storage ( as advise by our global) and in non-GeoVLAN farm.

With the current setup, it will be an issue if we are to activate the DR. This is because it will mean updating all the 5000 servers with the DR IP address and that is not a good idea.

The other option is to create loghost as DNS alias and remove loghost from /etc/host file in all the unix servers.

Do anyone see issue on performance or anything like that if we are to go with DNS alias?

A DNS alias is simple CNAME record, so personally I can't think of any performance issues with it.

Only issue you will have is if the DNS dies and you loose logging from all 5k servers. That would suck... :frowning:

However, your DNS dying will more than likely kill everything else anyway, so I would say go for it.