Logging out all logins. No one can answer this.

Hi all, I'm having the following problem and wondered if anyone here could help?

I'm using a network at work which is running RH9 on all machines (I only have user access), when I log in to one of the machines in the computer cluster RH informs me I am already logged in elsewhere and mozilla tells me that my profiles are already in use.

I thought I may be logged into another machine but I don't know how to check other than going around all the machines in the cluster!?

Also I use remote login and sometimes my connection is dropped, leaving me logged into a machine remotely because I didn't logout for obvious reasons.

Is there any way to find all my active logins then kill them? The who command obviously only brings up the login on the current machine and not any logins on all the network.

Any help would be most appreciated



Quick question. Are you using a network based password authent such as NIS, NIS+ or LDAP?


Unfortunately a RH9 cluster are not a single system image.

How about using rwho (remote who) to query the other
cluster members? That combined with a little bit of
scripting and rexec or simialr should get you what you

  • Finnbarr