Logged in windows user name

Hi All,

We use putty to connect to a unix box. We want to identify the folks involved in running certain shell scripts on the server.

I want to identify the windows user id of those folks who have logged through Putty to run the scripts.As unix-id is shared by more than two folks, tracking the unix id doesn't help in knowing the person who ran a certain script.

Please help me out in developing a script to do this.


Don't share ID's. Bad for security, audits, etc... Just a suggestion...

I am interested in the solution to this question as well. If my memory doesn't fool me, you had the remote user name in VMS when logging in remotely. Very nice feature!
What I do to circumnavigate the missing feature in unix, using putty I set the answer string to the ENQ (<strg E>, 0x05) char to some meaningful value and enquire it in the login script. This should be enough to identify people unless users share a windows account as well.

Nothing you can depend on, no. Even if there was, the user could probably make it lie, the account being launched from a machine controlled by them...

Answer? Separate accounts. Sharing accounts is silly.