log monitoring continously and executing commands

I want a script which continously searches for a work "MAX xonnections reached" in log file . As soon as it sees the message it needs to do series of steps
1) execute netstat command and redirect output to a file in /tmp
2) again continue monitoring the log file .
this job should run until we kill the process of script
plesae suggest asap.

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Could this help you ?

use strict;

my ($pos,$file_name_cur_date);
while (1){
        open(FH,"<","inputfile") or die "FAIL:- $!\n";
        if (defined ($pos)) { seek FH,$pos,0;}
                if(/MAX connections reached/) {
                $file_name_cur_date="/tmp/netstat_".`date '+%d%m%Y%H%M%S'`;
                `netstat > $file_name_cur_date`;
                 sleep 5
        $pos=tell FH;