Localization and Autotools

Hi All,

I'm looking to get some some insight on how localization works for programs that come with Autotool support. I do understand the whole cycle by using the "gettext" tools, but if its a autotools/autoconf program there is more to do to get things going. I have searched but didnt found anything useful. Does anyone of you have something useful that explains (step by step) what needs to be done in case of modifying an autotools/autoconf program? I'm talking about software that has already been developed and where I'm trying to add localization, not talking about completely new software development.

Thanks for your support.


Usually, when installing a package to be built from source, I use options on ./configure to set local destinations, especially as I am usually not doing it as root for all users, bu for my private use in my private space.

However, localization usually means LOCALE and local language support, which is a big deal encompassing many files and ENV var., but there is a lot of localization support in open source. Start with locale:

$ locale


Thanks for your reply. maybe I was too unspecific, but this is not what I was looking for. Imagine the following situation: I have a already created piece of software that has English localization and comes with Autotools configuration. I'd like to understand the steps I have to go through to add an e.g. french localization as well. What are the things I need to look at (e.g. by changing the configuration, add something etc), to have Autotools package take care on the newly added fr.po file (translate it intot an fr.gmo file, copy it to the local language folder etc). Hopefully this will make it clearer?
