Local NFS import / re-export using automount?


Can I do the following:

On SunOS 5.8


remote-host:/Volumes/webdata - /export/home/webdata nfs - yes rw,vers=3,soft,intr,bg,timeo=600

In /etc/auto_direct:

/home/science $HOST:/export/home/webdata/science
/home/science-edu $HOST:/export/home/webdata/science-edu

and so on.....

Can I do this? well, that is probably better asked as 'Should I do this?' as SunOS 5.8 lets me do this :wink:

I ask as on one machine I'm getting some write errors. I'm suspecting the 'soft' mount, but a coworker is pointing out that I'm 'exporting an import' and that is the problem.

Thoughts & comments?



Your coworker is correct. You cannot export a filesystem which you don't own.

As a follow up: It is looking like the problems we are experiencing have to do with Mac OS stupidity. The remote NFS server in this case is Mac OSX. We have started to see directly connected NFS sessions have same troubles. So, the import/export setup appears to have nothing to do with this issue.
