Load Balancer

Halo mates,

I m going to write a load balancer with C. Does anybody know some good reference on this?



Load-balancing what? Disk? Network? Processor power?

Either way, I think a load-balancer is something that'd have to be part of the kernel...

Corona688 is right. The only thing that comes to mind that you will be able to balance is I/O load. i.e., Moving hot files off busy disks and on to others, called load levelling. This is not something that you would want to do in C, anyway.

Oh....yes, I m going to balance the throughput of some replication webservers. Thire I/O load. But my lecture really use "Load balancer" rathre than "Load Leveler".... :confused:



If I get you correctly, you want people to spread the load of server access across several identical web servers...

The simple way to do this would be random selection. No psychic knowledge of the servers' internal state required. I think DNS even has support for this, several IP's for one name?

Yes Corona,

I m gonna do sth like that, consider the number of connections, served file size, RTT, etc. and also availabilty of servers. I just wanna get more ideas about that~

