Live Knoppix on usb sdb2 kernel not found

Hi all
I have a usb external drive with two partitions sdb1 ntfs and sdb2 ext3 with label Linux
I copied a knoppix live distro in the second partition, then I installed grub on the drive. Now in the directory /media/sdb2/boot/grub i have the file with the following content:

(hd0)    /dev/sdb

and the file menu.lst with the following content:

default         0
timeout         2

title           Knoppix
root            (hd0,2)
kernel          /boot/isolinux/linux root=/dev/sdb2 ramdisk_size=100000 lang=en apm=power-off vga=0x311 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet loglevel=0 nolapic_timer BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix
initrd          /boot/isolinux/minirt.gz

The isolinux directory is there with all the files, but at startup I still get the message: Could not find kernel image: linux

Manually I tried to type other paths like:

/dev/sdb /boot/isolinux/linux
/dev/sda /boot/isolinux/linux
/dev/sda2 /boot/isolinux/linux

But it didn't work

Thanks in advance for any help

/dev/sdb2 will be (hd0,1) not (hd0,2) - grub partitions start at zero, so change your menu.lst (or edit the line at boot time - press b at the grub menu screen) to be:

root (hd0,1)

Thanks for the advice. Fixed, but the issue persists

To see where grub thinks the linux kernel is, hit b when grub comes up, then type

kernel (hd0,1)/b

followed by the tab key, grub will auto-complete the b to boot if you have it right.
Try other alternatives by typing

kernel (hd

then tab to see all the drives. With each drive, say hd0, type

kernel (hd0,

then tab to see all the partitions of that disk.

Thanks all I found the issue.
Actually when I created the second partition I didn't set it as active