listings file of a package


Is there a command to list all files within an installed package ?
A command to print out a file's package owner ?

I have trouble to install a temporary license for FTAM and OSI 9.0 on my sunfire280r and i suspect the licensing software is the reason...

Any SUN guru out there ?


Actually, I don't believe that pkginfo will actually show the files that are contained in the package. Try:

pkgchk -v packagename

It lists each file as it is checked.



came in handy today...thanks Keith

Something else I discovered today which might help.

grep [pkgname]$ /var/sadm/install/contents

You can also pkgchk -l -p [command] to get pretty output.

contents line description:
[full path] [type] [secondary descriptor] [perms] [owner] [group] [chksum] [size] [pkgname]


Edit: pkgchk uses the data from this file to perform the checks.