listing the whole system by filesize


Just wondered what command you would use to list all the files on Aix by filesize?

I've tried a few but none of which seem to do the trick!

Currently running du -m -a . | sort -rn | more as root



Use "find", get the filesize and sort this. Having no access to an AIX system right now i can only give you general directions, but it should be something along the lines of - :

find / -type f -ls | sed 's/[<spc><tab>][<spc><tab>]*/<spc>/g' | cut -d' ' -f7,11 | sort -n

You might have to adjust the values of the "-f" parameter to cut, these might not be the correct fields in the "ls -lisa" format "find" provides. Replace "<spc>" and "<tab>" with literal spaces and tab respectively of course.

I hope this helps.
