Listing strings from file using awr Linux Red Hat

Hi experts, I have a file "salida_test" containing (in repetitive way):

Point ID   1.750251
 Point Name >BRI_4L_SA2__INT Interruptor 33kV Parque Industrial              <
 value 2
 Time of last value update   (ascii): >03/07/17 11:11:14.596 ART<
 TLQ   0000000c00004000
 station #79    abbr: >BRI         <  full: >E.T. BRIGADIER LOPEZ            <

 Point ID   1.140147
 Point Name >RUF_5BC1____INT Int. Banco Cap. 1 13.2kV                        <
 value 2
 Time of last value update   (ascii): >03/07/17 10:27:58.495 ART<
 TLQ   0000000c00800000
 station #18    abbr: >RUF         <  full: >E.T. RUFINO                     <

I need extract just the lines, in this format:

Point ID   1.750251  value 2    --> in the same line
Point ID   1.140147  value 2    --> in the same line

and then, filtering again:

750251 2
140147 2

I have a partial filter, but I can�t to obtain the solution:

awk '(/Point ID/ || /hi/)' salida_test


 Point ID   1.750251
 Point ID   1.140147
awk '(/value/ || /hi/) && !/Time of last value/' salida_test


 value 2
 value 2

Could you give me a posible resolution.
Thanks in advanced

Hello carlino70,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.

awk '/Point ID/{sub(/.*\./,"",$3);VAL=$3;next} /^value/{print VAL,$2}'   Input_file

R. Singh

R. Singh, the test doesn�t shows any result:

awk '/Point ID/{sub(/.*\./,"",$3);VAL=$3;next} /^value/{print VAL,$2}'  salida_test

Thanks for your help

Hello carlino70,

I have the same Input_file as you posted and after running my code I am getting expected results successfully too as follows.

awk '/Point ID/{sub(/.*\./,"",$3);VAL=$3;next} /^value/{print VAL,$2}'   Input_file
750251 2
140147 2

Make sure you are NOT having control M characters in your Input_file, you could check that by cat -v Input_file , let me know how it goes then.

R. Singh

Thanks R. Singh, it works!

Just I need to delete an space at the first place of each lines (this is because the file "salida_test" is obtained using an applicattion command and redirecting the output toward him)


Try also (and watch out for the space!)

awk '/Point ID|^ value/ {printf "%s%s", $NF, /ID/?FS:RS}' file
1.750251 2
1.140147 2

Thanks RudiC, your solution also works!.