Listing files with their parent dir?

Hi and good day,

This string lets me find the html files:

ls -R /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu | grep  "html" 

But how to list the files with their parent dir 'attached' to them:

For example:



Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

With best regards,
Omar KN

Your question is a little vague. Do you mean only to report the direct parent of the .html file?


$ find . -name "*.html" | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}'

e.g. a test:

$ mkdir /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu/a /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu/a/b /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu/b
$ touch /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu/a/a.html \
           /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu/a/b/ab.html \
$ find /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu -name *.html
$ find /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu -name "*.html" | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)"/"$NF}'

If one wanted to use ls instead of find , one might try something like:

{       printf '%s:\n' "$BaseDir"
        ls -R "$BaseDir"
} | awk -F/ '
/:$/ {  Parent = substr($NF, 1, length($NF) - 1) "/"
/\.html$/ {
        print Parent $NF

If you want to try this (or Scott's suggestion) on a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or nawk .

I might be missing the point, but would this do?:-

cd /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu
ls -1 */*.html

There might be an issue of either there are many many files or if the files you seek are not just one directory down.

If this doesn't suit, how about this?:-

cd /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chufind . -name "*.html" | sort             # the list from find will be in a seemingly random order

The second option is not perfect because it would show a leading ./ on every line but does that get you near your need?


Hey, Robin.

My understanding was to find all the .html files under some tree, regardless of where they are within that structure, and show all of them with their parent directory.

Neither of your solutions does quite that (the second one I presume to be a 'cut-and-paste' error, as there's no find in that :)).

Oh yes, what a mess. The suggestion should have been:-

cd /Volumes/LC3/Sites/chu
find . -name "*.html" | sort             # the list from find will be in a seemingly random order

Of course, this may list several directories depth, I'm not sure if that is too much detail or not.