Listing file issue

I have the three following files available in the directory. But the job should be able to read only the first two files. Could any one help me in writing command to list only the first two files and omit the last file. I used

ls -1 LSM_REP* > final.lst

. It is copying all the three files. But I need only first two files to be copied over. Please help me.

1. LSM_REP_C0097_offonEnf_031217_142706_4819_1of1.csv
2. LSM_REP_C0098_Enfenroll_031217_142706_4819_1of1.csv
3. LSM_REP_C2804_LTYQUARTER_022217_140016_4690_9999_1001_1of1.csv

Hi try:

set LSM_REP*
if [ $# -ge 2 ]; then
  printf "%s\n" "$1" "$2" > final.lst

or just:

ls LSM_REP* | head -n2 > final.lst

or simply

ls -l LSM_REP_C0* >final.list

It is copying both the files using above commands. The command should be able to separate the files like the following.

ls LSM_REP_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
-- This will list only the below file. Because it has 8 underscores after LDM_REP. 

Similary, The file with 6 underscores should be separated. If i use 6 underscores it will list both the files. I couldn't figure out a way to separate these files

Quick fix:

ls -l LSM_REP* | awk -F_ 'NF==8' >outfile

or, in bash, try:

ls -l LSM_REP*

Wow. That's a good one. It worked. Thank you very much Scrutinizer