list windows process

Hello Community,

I've got a unix server and 13 pcs with windows. I'm trying to built some tiny winy app to monitorize the windows processes. Any one knows if exist some kind of pstools for unix to communicate with windows.

I'm the system administartor so I've got rights in all computers.

Thanks and sorry for my bad writing.

P.S: I'm interested in IP traffic to so if you have some links/tutorials...

Suggestions are welcome

Thanks ans sorry for my bad writting!

Regarding IP traffic, I suggest the next network monitoring tools. Choose one that fits your needs and required functionality

Wireshark Wireshark: Go deep.

Sara (a spawn of SATAN) Download SARA


Good luck.

I'm not sure this suite to my needs.

I'm very interested in LAN monitoring tools, the switch is connected to linux then goes to the router-firewall and finally to the world, XD

Thanks for your fast answer

1- I highly recommend that you change your topology, if you really want to use Linux to do your LAN traffic monitoring and administration.

If any PC wants to access the outside world, they need to go through :

#No. of PCs(Windows)-----> LAN switch ----->Linux LAN card to the switch--->Linux server ----->Linux LAN card to the router ------> Router------>outside world.

2- You can enable (on Linux) WINE, VNC to launch task manager on any of the clients.

3- You can enable SMB on Linux to be able to "see" anything on the PCs.

4- You can enable VLAN's on your switch.

5- You can enable SELinux (Unless you have SuSE or Slackware, then you cannot do that)

6- You can enable Proxy server on Linux, which can give you a few reports on its own.

7- You can enable IP Tables on Linux (A Linux firewall, very powerful), more reports.

8- You can add another small 4 port switch between the Linux server and the router, then fork from one of the witches ports to a bastion host (If you have a website hosted locally for Interanet purposes)

9- Finally (Call me cynical, but I've learned the hard way) You can go to insecure dot org to shop for any security tools that you would like to add (I highly doubt that you'll need much from there if you do the above first, but just in case you have one or two molls in your network. You'll never know unless you dig, so better safe than sorry)

Good luck