List of Hostname under NIS Domain

How do I find a list of hosts under a domainname on a NIS+

I did check nisls command , I could not find any ???

getent hosts

Is there a way to find the list of all clients (not slaves) in a NIS domain?

We have a table named hosts under org_dir. Try searching for something like that. Then you can use 'niscat hosts.org_dir'

I think that maybe synonamous with the above getent hosts becasue the command is also looking in the hosts map. NIS clients do not need to be listed in the hosts file to join a domain. Unless the joining of the client to the domain appends the client name to the hosts map.

Can anyone confirm or deny this?


"member of a domain" is not a NIS concept, so no there is no real way to do this. Memeber of a netgroup is, but that is not the same thing.