List files with a specific date...

Hi all,

thanks in advance for reading and anyposts...

I was wondering if its possible to find all files in a directory with a specific date.

I know I can do:

but that will only give a list of files greater than todays date... Any ideas?


Marky Mark...

try this thread it is working with two dates which is more than you want, but you should eb able to figure out the changes needed.

Thanks that looks useful, I post what I come up with once I have got it finished...

what you can do is
ls -ltr |grep 'Jun 15' (for todays files) take care of the extra space when using 1 digit

ls -ltr |grep 'Jun 1'

Ok I am going to have to get it to execute some commands after, but this is what my script will look like:

eventually I intend to use the -exec rm{} \; command at the end of the statment. Essentially this will enable me to get rid of file which reside in a specific time frame....

...thanks for all your help...

B14... aka.... marky mark...