List Duplicate

Hi All
This is not class assignment . I would like to know awk script how to
list all the duplicate name from a file ,have a look below
Sl No Name Dt of birth Location
1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
4 bbb 2/03/1975 chennai
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore

Here what I would like is if the DOB is same and name is same then print all the details . I have tried with the command "uniq -D " in the awk script
but could not succeed.:confused:
With thanks in advance for guidence !!!

You can do something like that :

sort -k2,3 inputfile | \
awk '
   BEGIN { first_duplicate = 1 }
     name = $2;
     dob  = $3;
     if (name == prv_name && dob == prv_dob) {
         if (first_duplicate)
            print "\n" prv_rec;
         print $0;
         first_duplicate = 0;
     } else {
        prv_name = name;
        prv_dob  = dob;
        prv_rec  = $0;
        first_duplicate = 1;

Output for your sample datas:

1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta

2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore
nawk '{
  idx= $2 SUBSEP $3
  arr[idx] = (idx in arr) ? arr[idx] ORS $0 : $0
  for (i in arr)
     if (arrCnt > 1) print arr
}' myInputFile

The user asked for:

In other words, he wants to output the lines when both the date
and the name are the same.

I have the following test data:

1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
4 bbb 2/03/1975 chennai
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
6 xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
7 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore
8 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

Based on the requirement, the correct output should be:

3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
6 xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
8 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

Running Aigles code:

1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta

3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
8 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
7 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore

Running Vgersh code:

2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
7 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore
1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
8 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

'DOB and name' - not 'DOB and location'. 'Second and Third' - not 'Third and Fourth' fields.

Thanks for clarifying.
I was under the impression that 'name' was Mumbai, Kolkatta, etc.
Great catch!

When I read the question, I had in mind a solution using arrays like that of vgersh99.
Finally I tried to see whether it were easy to make without arrays, and it's that solution that i have posted.
The vgersh99' solution is simpler and more readable.

I wanted to see the differences in performance between the two solution for a large volume of data.
For that I adapted the two solutions to determine the number of files duplicated files on my system.

I have build a file containing the list of all the files (field 1: directory path, field 2: name of the file)
The result file contains 64000 duplicate files approximately.

# find / | sed 's!/\([^/]*\)$!/ \1!' > files.txt
# wc files.txt
  534733 1069473 34359804 files.txt
# head -10 files.txt
/ lost+found
/ home
/home/ lost+found
/home/ guest
/home/guest/ .sh_history
/home/ gseyjr
/home/gseyjr/ .profile
/home/ usertest
/home/usertest/ .profile

The solution with arrays :

$ cat
awk '
      Files[$2] = ($2 in Files) ? Files[$2] ORS $0 : $0; 
   END { 
      for (f in Files) {
         if (FilesCnt[f] > 1) {
            print Files[f];
      print "\nDuplicates : " duplicates;
' files.txt
$ time > /dev/null
real    0m27.22s
user    0m26.74s
sys     0m0.40s

The solution without arrays :

The -T option of the sort command was required because there wasn't sufficient space available for work files on the current filesystem.

$ cat
sort -T /refiea/tmp -k2,2 files.txt |
awk '
   BEGIN { first_duplicate = 1 }
     file = $2;
     if (file == prv_file) {
         if (first_duplicate) {
            print prv_rec;
         print $0;
         first_duplicate = 0;
     } else {
        prv_file = file;
        prv_rec  = $0;
        first_duplicate = 1;
   END {
      print "Duplicates : " duplicates;
$time > /dev/null
real    0m39.85s
user    0m2.92s
sys     0m0.10s

In fact, the sort itself takes more time to run that the complete solution with arrays.

$ time sort -T /refiea/tmp -k2,2 files.txt > /dev/null
real   33.06
user   32.28
sys    0.73


The arrays win the contest.

Awk' arrays are yours friends.
They are easy to use and powerful.

nicely done anlysis, aigles!

I created a test file with 114,688 records:

    1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
    2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
    3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
    4 bbb 2/03/1975 chennai
    5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
    6 xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
    7 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
114686 xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
114687 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore
114688 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

Running the Vgersh's arrays solution:

>time > /dev/null
real    9m2.96s
user    9m2.67s
sys     0m0.08s

Running Aigles' sort solution:

>time > /dev/null
real    0m10.22s
user    0m2.55s
sys     0m0.03s

Guys, the 'sort' command is very optmized.
Arrays work great for a short number of occurrences or when constants must be used.
Otherwise, arrays should be used with caution, especially when several
thousands of occurrences are involved.

Strange ..Your results are at the opposite of mine. :confused:

I ran again my test scripts under AIX with the same result, my input file contains 534733 records for a total size of 34Mb.

The solution with arrays is faster than the solution with sort (and again the sort itself is longer than the entire solution with arrays).

An idea to explain this mystery?

Try to create a similar data set that I tested against as follows:

1) Create a file 'A' with:
aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
bbb 2/03/1975 chennai
aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
xxx 1/01/1976 mumbai
bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore
aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai

2) Keep repeating the following process until you get to over 110,000 records:
cp A B
cat B > A

3) After you have the number of records you want:
cat -n A > B
sed 's/^I/ /' B > A    ### This will remove the ctl-I (tabs) after the numbers.

Dear Guru
What a great froum I am in !!! I really feel proud to be a member of it !

I thank to aigles, Shell Life ,vgersh99 from bottom of my heart 'cause
i have been trying with the code also by moving the previous but to no
avail and totally forgot about the array . Once again my sincere thanks to
all of you for sparing your time and providing me with the solution. One more
clarification I would like though I have yet to test ,
Will the array works with large volume ??
Or the simple script will do the job ? will you please throw some detail?
Something for my detail knowledge .

I confirm you results :

$ wc -l vdup.txt
  163840 vdup.txt
$ time

r�el    0m14,68s
util    0m7,45s
sys     0m0,04s
$ time  

r�el    16m51,15s
util    16m41,74s
sys     0m0,21s

I think that the problem doesn't come from the number of elements in the array.
In this test the array contains only 5 elements, but the elements are very large (up to 1300 Kb) and modified very often.

The situation was inverse in my previous test.
There were more than 100000 elements with a maximal size of 200 Kb and low update rate.

A little modification to vger'sh99 solution and arrays win !

nawk '{
  idx= $2 SUBSEP $3
  arr[idx, ++arrCnt[idx]] = $0
  for (i in arrCnt)
     if (arrCnt > 1) 
        for (c=1; c<=arrCnt; c++)
           print arr[i, c];
}' vdup.txt > /dev/null
$ time 

real   6.11
user   2.75
sys    0.03
$ time

real   1008.69
user   1001.02
sys    0.21
$ time    # Modified solution

real   5.74
user   5.55
sys    0.15

As I said:

Dear Guru
Thanks lot for your efforts and love to see the result and surely have devoted good time for my question.Hats of to you for your in deapth
reply which will not only increase my knowledge but my respect for
you and this Forum .


1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
3 ccc 2/03/1977 mumbai
4 ddd 1/01/1975 chennai
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore


sort -k2,3 inputfile | \
awk '
BEGIN { first_duplicate = 1 }
name = $2;
dob = $3;
if (name == prv_name && dob == prv_dob) {
if (first_duplicate)
print "\n" prv_rec;
print $0;
first_duplicate = 0;
} else {
prv_name = name;
prv_dob = dob;
prv_rec = $0;
first_duplicate = 1;


1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta

2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore


How do I direct the result to a output.file given the code in program1?


Program 2:

#Sort is now ( sort -k3,3 inputfile)

sort -k2,3 inputfile | \
awk '
BEGIN { first_duplicate = 1 }
name = $2;
dob = $3;
# And if (name == prv_name && dob == prv_dob) become if (name != prv_name && dob == prv_dob)#
if (name != prv_name && dob == prv_dob) {
if (first_duplicate)
print "\n" prv_rec;
print $0;
first_duplicate = 0;
} else {
prv_name = name;
prv_dob = dob;
prv_rec = $0;
first_duplicate = 1;



1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
4 ddd 1/01/1975 chennai

2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
3 ccc 2/03/1977 mumbai


What codes change are needed to have program 3 to give similar results of that program 1 and program 2?

Expert please help!

Program 3 codes:

nawk '{
idx= $2 SUBSEP $3
arr[idx] = (idx in arr) ? arr[idx] ORS $0 : $0
for (i in arr)
if (arrCnt [i]> 1) print arr
[i]}' myInputfile

Program 1: after the last ' add:

 > newfile

I suppose your requirements is this:

1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
3 aaa 1/01/1976 mumbai
4 bbb 2/03/1975 chennai
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore


2 bbb 2/03/1977 mumbai
6 bbb 2/03/1977 bangalore

1 aaa 1/01/1975 delhi
5 aaa 1/01/1975 kolkatta


awk '{
for (i in num)
if (num>=2)
print str
}' a
#! /opt/third-party/bin/perl

open(FILE, "<", "input");

while(<FILE>) {
  my @arr = split(/ /);
  if( defined($fileHash{$arr[1].$arr[2]}) ) {
    $fileHash{$arr[1].$arr[2]} .= ("##" . $_);
  else {
    $fileHash{$arr[1].$arr[2]} = $_;


foreach my $k ( keys %fileHash ) {
  $v = $fileHash{$k};
  if( $v =~ /##/ ) {
    my @arr = split(/##/, $v);
    foreach my $a ( @arr ) {
      print "$a\n";

exit 0

This should be even faster :slight_smile: