List All the Scripts

Hi there.

I need to list all the sh extension files, from a particular user, that exists on a computer. How can I do it?

Thanks for reading.

Check the -user option in the man page of find.

Hi Franklin52.

Actually I do this:

find / -user user_name | grep "*.sh"

It works but it only search into directories that resides under the path of the script and I want to do it all over the HD. Any idea?

Thanks for reading.

find / really should search all over the disk. can you give an example of a file it's not finding? A directory in its path might really be a symlink to somewhere else. Or you might simply not have permissions to search those directories.

Sorry but I could not answer before. I have solved the problem but I still have a doubt. The next first code give me all the scripts of my computer but also give me some files that ends with ".bsh". Why I get this files if I'm only searching for ".sh$" files?

find / -user user_name 2> /dev/null | grep ".sh$"

Thanks for reading.


Because in a regular expression a dot matches anything. Escape the dot

find / -user user_name 2> /dev/null | grep "\.sh$"

Is it not better to do something like:

find / -name "*.sh" -user user_name 2> /dev/null
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Yes, I use the second code but about the first code, I have solved the problem escaping the dot. The problem was that I have proved to scape the dot, before your answer, but not using quotes. Using quotes like this "\.sh$", it works.

Many thanks.