List all background processes

How do I list the process in a Unix based system which are running in background?

The following are options that I'm aware of, but they may not be appropiate.

a. using

ps -ef

, and getting records of processes for which STATUS='S'(uninterruptible sleep)
b. using

jobs -l

, and filtering records that end with "&"

Please advise.


then you have to define what you understand under "background", because ps -ef does what you asked for.

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Processes that runs without any inputs required from the terminal are background processes. That's what I know of.

But how exactly would I be listing them, is yet to be discovered. :confused:

Please help.


it's obviously wrong definition. look at the better one - Background process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if you run e.g. ps -ef you see TTY column. If you see in this field something like ?, the process has no attached terminal. It would be pass to your definition of a background process.

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For processes without an attached terminal:

ps -t -

See the man ps (linux) manpage for more information.

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My question is pretty clear.
and for that, is it possible to use the

ps -ef

command, and list records where STAT='S'(interruptible sleep)?

What does the STAT='S' signify?(what I was able to find out from other resources is that a process with STAT='S' is WAITING FOR A EVENT TO COMPLETE, mainly I/O)
So how would only the background processes have this status? Even foreground processes can be in the 'S'(wait) state if it waits for other events to complete.
I think judging processes based on the status column is not acceptable when identifying background processes.
