Linux SuSE 10 - Disable Unsuccessful Login History.

When we login to any remote connections in SuSE Linux, say for example, telnet , the following line is displayed "Last Login : Date and time is displayed"

I would like to disable this. In SuSE 9, I could find the solution .

Please suggest me a solution to disable the line displayed for SuSE 10. I tried configuring it through yast , still I could not disable it.

I don't think you can disable it. The DBs holding this information are "wtmp and utmp", see "man wtmp" - eventually, you can disable / destroy / ruin those databases, so the last login is not being displayed, but if you want the line itself to be disabled / removed, I don't think there's a way to do it via config file.

wtmp/utmp are written by "login" (see man login for detail). I am not aware that there is a way to disable this since it is a security issue (read: you need a realy good explaination if you want to disable this).

The most easy way is to recompile login and install. The next is to link from /dev/null to wtmp (untested).

try creating a file .hushlogin in the home of that user it will not show you last login messages