Linux Mount Points usage check with shell script

Hi Everyone,

Just in need of your help again, I have managed to get a script to check the linux disk usage stuff. But wanted to tweak it little more to get the desired output.


Now its querying only one mount point, As its not saving in array instead calling it as variables. So i need each and every mount point to be check for its usage.
example mount points:



#Here we declare variable LIMIT with max of used space

DIR="( $(df -Ph | column -t | awk '{print $6}' | grep -v Mounted) )"   -------- here everything is saving as single variable as the output is a 5th column; but i need that to be processed line by line in the below for loop.

#Here we declare variable DIR with name of directory


#Here we declare variable MAILTO with email address

SUBJECT="$DIR disk usage"

#Here we declare variable SUBJECT with subject of email


#Here we declare variable MAILX with mailx command that will send email

which $MAILX > /dev/null 2>&1

#Here we check if mailx command exist

if ! [ $? -eq 0 ]

#We check exit status of previous command if exit status not 0 this mean that mailx is not installed on system


          echo "Please install $MAILX"

#Here we warn user that mailx not installed

          exit 1

#Here we will exit from script


#To check real used size, we need to navigate to folder
for i in $DIR 
USED=$(df -Ph $i | awk '{print $5}' | sed -ne 2p | cut -d"%" -f1)

#This line will get used space of partition where we currently, this will use df command, and get used space in %, and after cut % from value.

if [ "$USED" -gt "$LIMIT" ]

#If used space is bigger than LIMIT


      sudo du -sh ${DIR}/* | $MAILX -s "$SUBJECT" "$MAILTO"

#This will print space usage by each directory inside directory $DIR, and after MAILX will send email with SUBJECT to MAILTO



script is broken, look at your loop and where the conditional check is.

Also, df is not du... combining the two may lead to unexpected results.

Consider the following (assumes Linux, but can be adjusted for others):

df -Phl -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs |
  sed -n -e 's/^\([/].*\)[ ]\+\([[:digit:].]\+[[:alpha:]]\)[ ]\+\([[:digit:].]\+[[:alpha:]]\)[ ]\+\([[:digit:].]\+[[:alpha:]]\)[ ]\+\([[:digit:].]\+\)[%][ ]\+\(.*\)/;LIMIT=80;[ \5 -gt \$LIMIT ] \&\& echo -e "Filesystem: \1\\nSize:       \2\\nUsed:       \3\\nAvail:      \4\\nUse%:       \5\\nMounted:    \6" \| mailx -s "\1 usage over \$LIMIT %" \$MAILTO/p' |