Linux GCC

Ok, i got a problem... I am trying to get the preinstalled Gcc running on my redhat linux 9 from The problem is, gcc wont load or sumthin

I cannot seem to get it running from "run program" in the menu. I also tried to check /usr/bin to see if it was even there.... Seems like it is there, i found GCC G++ and a few others... I also checked through the lib folder and found some sorta gcclib folder.

Sorry if this is too newbish.. i just cant get GCC to run :frowning:

What are you trying to do actually? It's a compiler, and if you do not have any C/C++ source files to compile you seldom need to use GCC at all. Of course, it won't be listed in the GUI menus for this reason.

For example, you should see the version information of GCC if you type

gcc -v

on the command line (of course with a carriage return afterwards). If you see the version, then you have gcc. Otherwise you don't.

ok, i do have gcc, version 3.2.2.. Now how do i get the compiler to run.. if i have a .java file or sumthing?

Most people use the Java compiler (javac) provided by Sun Microsystems (or, on some Linux distros, the Blackdown one ( instead of GCJ shipped by GNU which lacks a lot of things at present.

You can find the official Java compiler from Or better still you may have a RPM for the Java SDK including javac shipped by Red hat. Search for it and install it.

Then just


as usual. If you know Java this should not look foreign to you.

ok, another newb question... lol.. how do i extract a bin file if i downloaded it.. any good programs for that?

What do you mean by "extracting a bin file"? Extracting a .tar.gz or similar compressed archive?

If you use RH and have installed X-Windows, then the Gnome "File Roller" can be well suited for extraction of archives.

i think i got it.. thanks anyways

Im assuming, with the java talk, that the bin file is from Sun. If thats the case then you run it like a script


Sun bin's auto extract.

Also, when running gcc you run it from the command line terminal, not the run line in the menu in red hat.