Linux can't seem to recognise the modem

I am using linux 8.1 which is running on a dell 250n laptop. I have trouble getting onto the internet as the system is failing to recognise the modem. How can i resolve this issue?

Thanx in advance.

Linux 8.1? wha?
Last time I checked linux kernel was at 2.6 or something.
Maybe you mean SuSE Linux 8.1.

Anyway you most likely have a winmodem. A winmodem is a modem designed just for (you guessed it) windows. It only works for windows because it is missing a critical chip that is required for it to work, the windows driver emulates this missing chip.

Solution: get a new modem, usually Conexant modems work with linux, also, external modems usually work. ISA almost always work but of course you dont have this option because you have a laptop.

I think ive seen a site somewhere with linux drivers capable of emulating the missing chip, dont have the link so cant help you much there.

It's more than just one chip missing...more like 2/3 of the modem. This drives the price down. Also the power requirements which is why virtually all laptops come with them.

For a rarely used modem, it may be ok. But if it's your primary connection you may want a real modem even if you get it working.

Winmodem makers are starting to see value in cooperating with the Linux community because then they can sell more modems. The keyword to put into a search engine is Linmodem. You will get lots of hits. Here is one:

Yes, if you use an external modem it works in 90% of the cases. I use an external Tron TTA 128 and it works fine with Redhat and Mandrake.