Linux and ICMP timestamp requests.

Hi There,

I am looking to disable ICMP timestamp requests and ICMP timestamp replies on my Linux server version 8. Can someone please tell me the simplest way to do this? I know a command to disable all ICMP traffic but this I have been told will cause many network problems which I obviously don't want. Thanks.

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
In order to keep this parameter set at boot time edit the "/etc/sysctl.conf" file and enter this text;
"net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 0" Look at the structure of the file, throw a comment in so if some one else starts administering the system they'll know what's been done. Hows the weather in the emerald isle?

Thanks mrhyde,

I have been waiting for a reply to this for a while. Couldn't find anything solid on goolge about it. I'll try that today. Weather here isn't too good now - getting cold. At least it's not raining though. Thanks again.