lint comments

can anyone help me regarding the meaning of the following lint messages.
what is the use of having such lint comments in the c program.

/*lint -esym(534,cputs,fgets,cprintf) */
/*lint -efile(766,pragmas.h) */

Thanks a lot in advance.

probably you should have made use of lint command for coding and syntax errors for enhancing portabilty

compiler suppresses warnings about certain conditions when you place these comments at specific points in the source.

for esym - message # is suppressed for the accompanying symbol with esym

Thanks matrixmadhan,

Actually I was going through code written by somebody else.

what are those numbers(534 and 766) and options -esym and -efile in the comments.

Is there any online help regarding the same so that I can learn how to and where to place these comments to maintain the portability.

The numbers are a warning message reference.

Basically, when you run lint on code you should see ZERO warnings, the stuff above is defeating the purpose of lint. Some shops require a clean lint output in order to push code to production. The previous coder either thought the warnings were pointless, or did not know how to correctly code the statement that caused the problem.

Matrix & I are trying to tell you that there should be no lint complaints at all.

Thanks Jim and matrix


Found this thread while googling something related. Don't know if this is still an issue for you, but wanted to pass this info along:

We resell the Gimpel PC-lint/Flexelint product and the lint comments in question are for it.

-esym(534... instructs Flexelint to ignore the return value for the functions specified. Those are third-party calls and so can make sense to suppress analysis results on them.

-efile(766... instructs Flexelint to suppress message 766 for the file pragma.h. Message 766 tags #include directives whose named header file is not used at all in the enclosing source program. Again, since pragma.h is third-party, it can make sense to suppress analysis results on it.