lint and CFLAGS

I often find myself running lint in the following fashion:

lint -Idir-1 ... -Idir-n some-src.c

where a number of -Idirs should be coming from the make file.

Here is example:

$ cd dir1
$ grep ^CF makefile
CFLAGS = -g -I ../ver1/include
$ lint -I ../ver1/include sr1.c 

then I go to another project

$ cd dir2
$ grep ^CF makefile
CFLAGS = -g -I /u/prod/ver1/include -I /u/prod/base1/include
$ lint -I /u/prod/ver1/include -I /u/prod/base1/include sr1.c

I am manualy cut/paste the -I parameters each time and I wander, is ther a way to automate it?

My working environment is ksh under Sys V type of Unix