Link aggregation and status of network interfaces in “ipadm” command

I am again rephrasing the issue that we are facing:

We are creating link aggregations [dlmp groups] with two interfaces named net0 & net5:

# dladm create-aggr -m dlmp -l net0 -l net5 -l net2 aggr1
Setting prob targets for aggr1:

# dladm set-linkprop -p probe-ip=+ aggr1
Setting failure detection time:

# dladm set-linkprop -p probe-fdt=15 aggr1
After this we are adding IP to this aggregation as follows:

# ipadm create-ip aggr1
Assigns an IP to this:

# ipadm create-addr -T static -a x.x.x.x/y aggr1/addr
Then we check the status using dladm and ipadm everything seems up and running.

Then we tested a scenario where we are dettached cables from above n/w interfaces, but what we got is as follows:

# dladm show-aggr -x


  traf0      --         100Mb unknown   up       0:10:e0:5b:69:1    \--
             net0       100Mb unknown   down     0:10:e0:5b:69:1    attached
             net5       100Mb unknown   down     a0:36:9f:45:de:9d  attached

First issues is that we are getting the state of link "traf0" as up in above command output, secondly in the output of "ipadm":

traf0 ip ok -- --
traf0/addr static ok --
We are getting the status of traf0 as ok.

So here I have a query, can't we have any configuration where we could get right status of traf0 both in dladm and ipadm output?

[One more thing to add here is, when we don't assign any IP to this traf0 aggregation then in that case on dettaching the cables we get right output in dladm command.]

Apart from this configuration, we are using these aggregations as vnics in zones. There also we are getting the status of these links up in ipadm command output [after dettaching the cables].

A small update:: We have set the value of "TRACK_INTERFACES_ONLY_WITH_GROUPS" parameter in /etc/default/mpathd as no and getting the state of "traf0" in ipadm command as failed, but still we get traf0/addr as ok.

traf0 ip failed -- --
traf0/addr static ok --


A couple of quick questions here;

Firstly do both network cables attach to the same switch?

Are the ports aggregated on the switch?

When you say you are using these as VNIC's in zones, how are you setting them up in the zone?



Hey Gull04 thanks for your concern, please find below answer to your qurry:

Yes both the cables are attached to the same switch.

Can you please describe 2nd point as I am new to this dladm part and configuration is done by our automatic installer team I might need their help to clarify this.

Regarding 3rd point, does it really effect how we configured vnics in zones?



The aggregation must be setup on the switch as well, from Oracle you have.

Required. For example, a link aggregation in the system that is running the Solaris OS requires that corresponding ports on the switches be also aggregated.

You can find some information here.

As to how the VNIC is set in the Zone, you would have to use the agregated interface as the NIC in the Zone.

