Line Terminator

Hi Guys,

This is Narasa i am new to this forum.I am very proud to join this forum.

I have a question on Line termination for fixed length file.

We got a file from mainframe having fixed length of 587 but when i extract the zip file with notepad it looks like continuous line with out any line termination.

I want to make a lene termination after record lenght of 587.

Can please suggest me how to handle this file.

Thanks in advance

some thing like this:
$ sed -e '588,$d' your_file > file_without_lins

Use fold

For eg:
For specifying number of columns.
fold -w 587 <filename>

       For specifying number of bytes.
       fold -b 587 &lt;filename&gt;

Remember this works on the stream. So capture the output in another file.

Thanks for quick come out.
After i did ftp from PC to Unix i did WC (word count)the result is like this
0 246989 8172801 narasa.txt

After i used $ sed -e '588,$d'
the result is same.
why i am getting zero line count. Please advice me.

Thanks in advance