Limit transfer speed rate by iptables Rules

I have D-Link Router DSL-2730U that support busybox OS and iptables version 1.4.0

I managed successfully to block the host for being connect to the internet using the following command

block by ip address

iptables -I  FORWARD -d -j DROP

Or By mac source

iptables -I FORWARD -m mac --mac-source bc:20:a4:ff:79:80 -j DROP

The only problem now i have is trying to limit transfer speed rate (upload & download) to be only serve 30/kbps by MAC Address using iptables

I tried to make iptables rule like

iptables -I FORWARD -m mac --mac-source bc:20:a4:ff:79:80 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -m limit --limit 100/second --limit-burst 30 -j ACCEPT

But it didn't work

Note : this router cannot modify , delete or add any files . i cannot make a bash or script file inside the router run , and unfortunately the iptables connlimit module not supported in this iptables version too