Legato Networker

Has anyone ever used Networker to backups a SunSolaris 5.4 system. I have all the my other OS on the network being backup except for the 5.4 systems. It's has to do with a daemon. So help me out this doesn't make any since>

I have seen it used in the past - we don't have anymore 5.4 systems. What version of Networker are you running?


That is probably why it won't work. From what I've seen on the Legato site, you won't be able to use it on a 2.4 system.

See these links - I had to go back to the November 1999 archive to get something for a 2.4 system. (There was a note about it to call Jim Doll (408) 746-4828 - he might be able to help (if he still has that number) Search through the links for Solaris - or 2.4.

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