Legato Display

I am running legato 7.3.2.
Here is my issue. I have taken over the backup duties from an employee who left the company. He was running Legato as the backup server/client of choice (I don't know much about Legato, but i am learning on the job). He has it setup to run the admin qui from the backup servers (i have to ssh to it and bring back X to my desktop). Is there a way to set it so I don't have to run it that way?
I would like to be able to use my browser to get to the server and run all the admin functionality from my workstation due to the server being in another state and pulling X back to me is SLOW!!!


I was under the impression that Networker 7.3.2 had a new java based gui. You shouldnt be using X to run any admin gui anymore. Nwadmin still works and displays information, but I would be loathe to change anything with it. nsradmin is a text based equivilent to nwadmin and is still supported in 7.3.2 and can be used easilly over a ssh connection for small changes or if you need to script something.

In order to start the new Networker console you need to connect a web browser to the correct port that your Networker console is running on. It can be a seperate server than your Networker server. I suggest reading the admin guide for Networker admin console or whatever its called.

When you connect to the console server with a web browser, your web browser will download the java console to your pc and run it from there.

Thanks. I figured out what my issue was. I had gotten it to work before but I guess that updated Java on my local machine and it was causing me issues.
I have downgraded my java and now it works...

Thanks again for the help.

I do have another question:
Is there a way to run Legato as a user other than root?



Well running theres three seperate parts to Networker.

  1. Networker Client
  2. Networker Storage Node
  3. Networker Server

All three need to run as root. No way around it as they all do things and access stuff that can only be done as root (like access device files, backup and restore files that only root can touch, change access times and file ownerships of recovered files, etc).

Sorry I should have said that the Networker client is considered to be nsrexecd. Running the recover or save commands can be done as any user (of course if you arent root you will be restricted in what you can backup and restore).

Networker makes it a little difficult to try to stop backup admins from having root access. Its usually a pain for either the O/S admins or the backup admins. Unless they are one and the same.

If you need your backup admins to do Networker tasks and not have root access then you will probably give them access to sudo. Of course the new networker console gives full Networker administrative access without needing the root account (it will run on your pc with whatever account your web browser is running as). The old nwadmin gui wouldnt let you mount tapes if you didnt run the nwadmin gui with root access.

Does that answer your question?