LED stops at 406eoch6 help


can anybody help me when i boot up my machine the LED runs until it gets to 406coch6 and it simply stops their

noting appears on the screen...?

Is their a website that lists all the codes and their meaning


If you have support from IBM call them. If not try their web site.


unfortuanetly i do not have access to Support,

I have been able to get this working once after recieving this error by placing my harddisk in 3 hard drive bay. But after removing this harddrive and reinserting it i haven't been able to get this working

On a different AIX machine , i am able to power up the hard disk. Also on my second AIX machine i am able to power up my machine without any hard disks in it.

This implies to me that i have an issue with the AIX machines BIOS..?, could this be true if so what are my options.
