learner Shell

a task given to me is to make a shell which will have the following qualities....
"The most rudimentary shell is structured as the following loop:

  1. Print out a prompt (e.g., "OS_Spring2011_Shell$ ");
  2. Read a line from the user;
  3. Parse the line into the program name and an array of parameters;
  4. Use the fork() system call to spawn a new child process;
    o The child process then uses the exec() system call (or one of its variants)
    to launch the specified program;
    o The parent process (the shell) uses the wait() system call (or one of its
    variants) to wait for the child to terminate;
  5. Once the child (the launched program) finishes, the shell repeats the loop by jumping to 1."
    please help me in this matter........

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have you tried anything so far about this?