ldom patching

Greetings everyone! I have the task of patching six ldoms and two control domains. I have never done this before and would like to know of any pitfalls or "gotchas" I may encounter. I have been looking online but have found very little about patching ldoms. Thank you all.

Hi, I am just going through this pain as well, although slightly more involved, in that I'm upgrading the LDom from 1.1 to Oracle VM for sparc 2.1 which means upgrading the firmware, and Solaris release as well.

I've attached a text file of the steps I've taken so far, it may help (or not)

Its not as yet complete there are some sections I have yet to do, but it may point you in the right direction

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Thank you, Revo. Some of my main concerns are what is the order of patching. My supposition is I patch the control domains first and then the guest domains, but that is only a supposition. I appreciate any more insight you can provide.

As you can have the guest domains running at different patch levels than the host, and each other, as they are effectively "independant" machines I don't think it matters, as long as you follow the patch guidelines and recommendations for whichever you do.

We have always done the host domain first, but that is ore of an internal method of getting approval from the differing departments with "machines" running on it.

Of course, whichever you do, you do have a good full backup before you start work right? :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: Definitely, Revo!