LDAP problems

My boot-up software is giving me an error saying that it cannot connect to the ldap server and that the memory is full even though it's not. Does anyone know any ways around this? I heard there is something like a single user command, but how do you type this if you can't log in in the first place? Thanks

this is a little less information to get you some help...

let me just ask a basic question. does anyone know how to login with a single user command (at the boot up screen), or if there's a way around the ldap server? hope this helps better. thanks.

Yes, but the way to do it depends about information you didn't provide: What is your OS release and on what hardware ?

Why don't you restore the LDAP service in the first place ?

How can you assert the memory isn't full if you can't login to check ?

Have you restarted your machine? Either soft or hard reset?

If this is Solaris on Sparc then a <stop> + <A> or sending a break a ~# from your terminal will take the machine down to the OK or > monitor prompt (OBP), then type boot -s, provide the prom password if prompted for it will take you into single user mode the root account should be local and so not reliant on LDAP. This will work if files is before ldap in the nsswitch.conf and in your pam.conf.