Launching a C program that needs input from a shell script

hi there,
i need some help, i am trying to run a script to launch a C program and a Java program but before running both I want to get a user input and then invoke both programs with input received. In the programs the inputs are not command line arguments.

This is the code,
after the java bof and the ./bof.out how can I pass my $UserInput argument to both programs? And save the output from the 2 programs into two new arguments?

echo "Please enter a file name:"
read UserInput
echo "$UserInput"

java bof

Help is appreciated.

echo "Please enter a file name:"
read UserInput
echo "$UserInput"

java bof $UserInput
./bof $UserInput


thanks tyler but both programs don't accept command line arguments. in a normal scenario you will run the program by typing

then you will be asked to input something, where I want to input the $UserInput

i tried this but it didn't work:

./bof.out <<$UserInput

any suggestions?

Then change the programs so that they process arguments passed to them rather than prompting for them.


isn't there another way to plug the arguments instead of passing them within the command line? if i change it to what you're suggesting then i'll loose the purpose coz I need to have a buffer over flow vulnerability there!