latest version of bsd

Any body there ? What is latest BSD version ?

The latest branch of the FreeBSD developement Tree is 7.1 release, which is the developmental release of FreeBSD, However if you purchase the FreeBSD CD Sets you will most likely get a set of 7.0 instalation media.


7.0 was the "Release" version and 7.1 was "Pre-release" until last month, when they issued a second release of 7.1 and made it the "Release" version. 8.x (I don't know what build they are up to) is the "Current" or bleeding edge development snapshot.

Technically the latest version of BSD is 4.4 :wink: but you are probably referring to the more common sub versions.

FreeBSD 7.1
OpenBSD 4.5
NetBSD 5.0

I don't know about Dragonfly off the top of my head but I'm sure their website will tell you!!! :o