Large XML to MySQL - fast way


Sorry for my bad english.

I need to improve performance in project managing large data, these data are exported to a MySql from XML.

Now I use PHP (XMLReader ()) to do this job.

I need a faster way to do this process.

Which do you think is the best way?

(the item total count is 80000)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' ?>
        <aaa a="x" b="x" />
		<bbb a="x" b="x" />
		<ccc a="x" b="x" />
		<ddd a="x" b="x" />
		<eee a="x" b="x" />
		<fff a="x" b="x" />
		<ggg a="x" b="x" />
		<hhh a="x" b="x" />
		<iii a="x" b="x" />
		<jjj a="x" b="x" />

Try load xml (MySQL 5.5+).

You think this way would be faster to use a component executing it on a bash script.

For example something like this ...
