Ksh: How to write the log file simultaneously when .sql file executes by UNIX process

Hello Team-

we would like to implement an approach which has to write the log file simultaneously
when .sql file is executing by Unix process. At present,it is writing the log file
once the process is completed. I've tested the current process with the below
approaches and none of them writes to it simultaneously.

Please suggest, is there any other way to accomplish this. Do we have any limitations
on buffer size in unix server such as,the process has to write the logs after some
size(500 kb etc) or write the logs once the process is completed to overcome cost etc.
I think, these factors are based upon server settings, configurations etc. Any idea?

Psuedo code:

#Script: main_shell.sh 
	Few lines fo code 
nohup job_instance.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 & 
#Script: job_instance.sh 
	Few lines fo code 
sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql $arg1 $arg2 >> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME}
(tried with below 1 thru 10 options for log creation parallely, didn't work out)

Note: At 2nd shell, the log file has to write parallely when .sql file runs by
2nd shell. It means, expecting line by line logs when we refresh it. At present,
the log file is writing once the process has completed.

1. sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING}  @test.sql >> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME}
2. nohup sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql >> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME} & 	
3. sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql >> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME}  2>&1 & 	
4. $sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql  <<EOF 1>>${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME} 2>&1 
5. sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql | tee -a ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME}
6. $(sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} <<-EOS
			APPEND @test.sql
8. sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql 
9. sqlplus -s ${DB_STRING} @test.sql 3>&1 1>>${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME} 2>&1 
10. nohup $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s $DB_STRING @test.sql > ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_FILE_NAME} &

Thank you for your support and appreciate your help..!!

Please let me know If you have any questions.


I would think the problem lies in the sqlplus log output buffer, so if it is possible, then it should be a sqlplus tunable..